• Abstract

    An electric car is a type of alternative-fuel vehicle that uses electric motors and motor controllers instead of an internal combustion engine. Power is provided via battery packs rather than carbon emission-based fuel. It offers a variety of advantages over typical internal combustion engines, most notably lower local emissions and higher energy efficiency. The aim of this research is to modify the vehicle running with an internal combustion engine into an electric vehicle for transferring material from one place to another inside the industrial area. For this purpose, a Maruti 800 car model has been selected, and during the field work, all unwanted parts of the IC engine are removed to convert it into an electric vehicle. The analytical analysis has been carried out to calculate the power transmission capacity and the speed of the vehicle. The finite element analysis is also carried out to check the strength of reused parts like belt drives and crankshafts. A Simulink model of an electric vehicle is prepared to check its performance and provide suggestions during the vehicle's assembly. The vibration response has proven that the source vibration, the noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) issues in electric vehicles (EV) differ significantly from those in internal combustion engines (ICE).

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How to cite

Kumbhalkar, M., Sardeshmukh, M. M. ., Bhise, D. V., Choudhari, S., Rambhad, K. S., Sahare, P. H. ., & Ade, N. K. . (2023). An insight into conversion of internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle to electric vehicle for green transportation technology. Multidisciplinary Science Journal, 5(4), 2023040. https://doi.org/10.31893/multiscience.2023040
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