• Abstract

    This research addresses the significant potential for developing 21st-century learning media to enhance student work readiness in vocational education, particularly in the culinary arts. Many practitioners in this field lack awareness of the necessity and benefits of incorporating appropriate learning media to build essential skills for the modern workforce. Current recommendations often emphasize developing 21st-century skills but fail to integrate these concepts into practical, engaging learning experiences, resulting in low student motivation and suboptimal learning outcomes. This study conducts a qualitative analysis through document reviews, observations, interviews, and focus group discussions involving practitioners, lecturers, and students in vocational culinary education. The research identifies key specifications for AR-based learning media, emphasizing six parameters: interactivity, contextuality, real-time engagement, accurate work simulation, personalization, and collaboration. Additionally, four operational supports are deemed crucial: reliable internet access, universal smartphone ownership among students, partnerships with industry, and digital training for educators. The findings provide actionable recommendations for institutions, educators, and future researchers aiming to develop effective AR learning media. Such media can significantly enhance students' practical skills and work readiness by offering immersive, interactive, and contextually relevant learning experiences. The study highlights the critical role of integrating real-world simulations and personalized feedback to maintain high levels of student engagement and motivation. Ultimately, this research underscores the importance of aligning vocational education with the evolving demands of the culinary industry and the broader job market. By leveraging advanced learning technologies and fostering strong industry partnerships, educational institutions can better prepare their students for successful careers in the 21st century. The study's insights contribute to the ongoing discourse on improving vocational education outcomes and offer a clear roadmap for developing innovative learning solutions tailored to the needs of modern learners.

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How to cite

Mahanani, T., Marwanti, M., Sukardi, T., Munif, N., & Wati, I. W. K. (2024). Unlocking the potential for 21st century learning media to increase student work readiness in vocational education-culinary art. Multidisciplinary Science Journal, 7(4), 2025163. https://doi.org/10.31893/multiscience.2025163
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