• Abstract

    The innovative design of customer touchpoints along the customer journey yields unexpected benefits. Contemporarily, customers tend to interact with firms through multiple touchpoints, which increases the complexity of providing a positive customer experience. Hence, measuring each customer touchpoint along the customer journey is essential to ensure a positive experience. The current study aims to investigate the critical customer touchpoints that significantly influence customer experience in retail stores in Klang Valley, Malaysia. This study was conducted in Klang Valley, Malaysia, which is a cosmopolitan city. The study sample, which was calculated through a formula, encompassed individuals who visited the Klang Valley malls. A total of 500 questionnaires were distributed through the convenience sampling technique, which resulted in 269 valid responses for SPSS and PLS-SEM analyses. The findings revealed that employee-to-customer interaction touchpoints significantly impacted the retail customer experience. Simultaneously, the atmosphere, brand, customer-to-customer interaction, communication, and technology touchpoints significantly enriched the customer experience. Nevertheless, customer social responsibility and process touchpoints might not contribute to the customer experience. This study recommended mall retailers focus on critical customer touchpoints to develop credible brand images, personalised services, appealing promotions, effective loyalty programmes, and store environmental cues to provide a positive in-store sensory experience. This study applied cognitive appraisal theory (CAT) to understand customer experience in the retail setting. The findings contributed to the existing knowledge corpus by highlighting the critical dimensions of customer touchpoints defining customer experiences

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How to cite

Loon, C. H., Khan, N., & Mohamad, O. (2024). Optimising Customer Experience in Retail Stores: The Key Role of Customer Touch points. Multidisciplinary Science Journal, (| Accepted Articles). Retrieved from https://malque.pub/ojs/index.php/msj/article/view/2176
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