• Abstract

    Ensuring the development of critical thinking stands as an essential factor in shaping students’ professional and educational growth, fostering improved learning quality, better assimilation of educational material, and the application of knowledge in practical settings. Within the research framework, a significant focus lies on formulating strategies for nurturing critical thinking. In the realm of pedagogical activities, this necessitates preparing, planning, and adapting strategies in line with the specific requirements of the educational audience. The primary objective of this academic paper is to explore current strategies, particularly those widely employed in advanced countries, aimed at enhancing students’ cognitive and analytical capacities. An integral part of this exploration involves analyzing the utilization of the problem-based learning method as a catalyst for achieving heightened levels of critical thinking and analytical agility. This scientific article delineates the core theoretical components of the critical thinking concept, revealing diverse approaches to critical thinking strategies. Furthermore, it offers recommendations on integrating these strategies into the educational process, aligning them with established pedagogical methodologies. The investigation encompasses an examination of the practices in developed countries that stimulate critical thinking and the means employed to achieve this objective. The research findings underscore the imperative nature of fostering students’ critical thinking within the educational environment, especially considering the escalating demand for technological advancements. Drawing upon a theoretical exploration of contemporary scholars and practical accomplishments of educational institutions, this academic paper aims to ensure and enhance the quality of critical thinking. Consequently, these findings serve as a foundational resource for devising future strategies, illustrating effective methods for cultivating students’ cognitive capabilities.

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How to cite

Hutsalo, L., Skliar, I., Abrosimov, A., Kharchenko, N., & Ordanovska, O. (2024). Strategies for developing critical thinking and problem-based learning in the modern educational environment. Multidisciplinary Science Journal, 6, 2024ss0209. https://doi.org/10.31893/multiscience.2024ss0209
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