• Abstract

    This research intends to illustrate the analysis on the clout of Tri Hita Karana, technological competence, and entrepreneurship drive toward technopreneurship readiness among students in vocational high school. It has been widely known that a lot of vocational high school graduates had difficulty in finding employment. The disparity between the number of high school graduates with vocational training and the job opportunities that are accessible is the main cause of this issue. In fact, because they may develop new job opportunities based on technology, graduates of vocational high schools have a great opportunity to become independent workers. Therefore, in order to enable vocational high school students to become independent entrepreneurs, technopreneurship readiness should be developed. Tri Hita Karana should advocate for technopreneurship readiness as the embodiment of upholding positive relationships with God, other people, and the environment; having the technological know-how to compete and act responsibly; fostering creativity and innovation; and encouraging students' entrepreneurial drive. In this study, correlational design was used. This study used a sample of 167 vocational high school students from Buleleng Regency's Multimedia Expertise Program. Multiple regression analysis was used in the data analysis. According to research findings, Tri Hita Karana had a 22% influence on technopreneurship readiness, technological competence had an 18.8% influence, and entrepreneurship drive had a 23.7% influence. The connected stakeholders may use these findings as a foundation for organizing and deciding how best to improve the technopreneurship readiness of high school students pursuing vocational programs.

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How to cite

Kertiasih, N. K., Kustono, D., Purnomo, & Sutiaji, E. (2024). Analysis on clout of <em>Tri Hita Karana</em>, technological competence, and entrepreneurship drive toward technopreneurship readiness on vocational high school students. Multidisciplinary Science Journal, 6(10), 2024167. https://doi.org/10.31893/multiscience.2024167
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