• Abstract

    This study explores the strong devotion of Vietnamese people to their ancestors and spiritual beliefs, deeply rooted in their culture and traditions. The focus is on the religious practice of burning votive paper for the dead, prevalent in various regions of Vietnam, including Hanoi. Ancestor worship constitutes a fundamental aspect of Vietnamese spirituality, where deceased ancestors are believed to continue influencing the lives of their living descendants with both blessings and misfortunes. Consequently, Vietnamese individuals maintain a profound connection with their ancestors and engage in rituals, particularly burning votive paper, as a means of honoring and appeasing them.

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How to cite

Thi Họp, N., & Minh Ngoc, N. T. (2023). How are Vietnamese people devout? A case study of burning votive paper for the dead in Hanoi. Multidisciplinary Science Journal, (| Accepted Articles), 2024128. https://doi.org/10.31893/multiscience.2024128
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