• Abstract

    Neural Therapy is a treatment of Russian and German origins that consists of the use of local anesthetics in low concentrations, such as procaine. Procaine is a synthetic anesthetic discovered in 1905. Its use was further developed in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century by the Huneke brothers. Studies show that in addition to the anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial functions, procaine also has an anti-tumor action. Currently, there is a greater tutor - animal approach, which has led to the inclusion of dogs and cats in the family environment. In this way, the animals' longevity has increased and, consequently, the incidence of neoplasms in companion animals has also increased in recent years. A situation that brings several underlying problems, such as paraneoplastic syndromes and stress shared with the family. Currently, cancer is a major cause of death in dogs and cats. Studies show that procaine can produce DNA demethylation and reexpression of tumor suppressor genes and therefore can be a therapeutic option for cancer patients. Veterinary oncology has been standing out with new approaches. Today there is greater efficiency of treatments, whether isolated or associated with other practices. The objective of this work is to show that Neural Therapy can be a treatment option for cancer patients.

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How to cite

Gonçalves, B. A. L., Vianna, L. R., & Andrade, C. de C. (2020). Neural Therapy: a treatment option in oncological patients. Multidisciplinary Reviews, 3, 2020014. https://doi.org/10.29327/multi.2020014
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