• Abstract

    The payment of ecosystem services (PES) helps to preserve the natural environment and enhance the livelihood of the local people. There is always the fear of the long-term availability of the ecosystem services provided to the locals. There is an uneven distribution of the benefits received by the countries for protecting the natural environment. This study was based on the secondary literature review to explore the global benefits and challenges associated with the payment for ecosystem services, focusing more on the South Asian context. The outcomes were analyzed along with the benefits and challenges received for preserving the ecosystem by Nepal. PES programs have upgraded the livelihoods of local people, decreased energy demand, increased forest coverage, and helped decrease greenhouse emissions. PES has contributed to livelihood sustainability and economic development through forest management programs. There is more potential for Nepal to provide additional services to tourists and to generate additional resources against ecosystem services. There is an urgent need for collaboration among central, provincial, and local governments in Nepal to implement PES more effectively.

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How to cite

Giri, S., Poudel, A., Khanal, A., Pandey, R., Paudel, R., & Khanal, S. (2023). Understanding the payment for ecosystem services and associated challenges: Global practices and recommendation for Nepal. Multidisciplinary Reviews, 5(4), 2022017. https://doi.org/10.31893/multirev.2022017
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