• Abstract

    There is a lack of information about KM's comprehensive influence on total corporate success, even with the field's relevance in modern business settings increasingly acknowledged.  To overcome this gap, this research explores the complexities of KM and how they affect the performance of organizations. Knowledge Management (KM) has become one of the most well-known contemporary leadership strategies. A rigorous strategy was used to conduct a thorough examination of the relationship between KM techniques and company performance. The research uses a combination of qualitative and quantitative methodologies, such as instances, questionnaires, and data analysis to provide a comprehensive comprehension of the topic. The results show how KM contributes in many ways to corporate effectiveness. Determine the essential KM techniques that have a substantial influence on a range of organizational success factors, such as decision-making and innovation as well as operational effectiveness. For companies seeking to maximize their KM tactics for improved performance, the findings provide insightful information. The study findings have practical relevance for firms seeking to improve overall performance in today's competitive and dynamic business environment by strengthening their KM activities.

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How to cite

Gupta, M., Sevukamoorthy, L., Asbe, C., Bagaria, O., & Gupta, A. (2024). A comprehensive analysis of knowledge management role in developing business performance. Multidisciplinary Reviews, 6, 2023ss095. https://doi.org/10.31893/multirev.2023ss095
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