• Abstract

    Voice is a critical employee behavior that promotes ideas, concerns and ideas throughout the company. It is a frequent technique that learning the obstacles of leadership and issues that can affect the functioning of the corporation. In this paper, our primary goal of the research on employee voices, determine fields and the research findings on employee voice can be utilized as well as modified to be applied in other categories that illustrate the result in a more broad conception of employee voice. This review includes the fields of employee voice and Organizational Behavior (OB) coupled with Human Resource Management/Employment Relations (HRM/ER). It maintains by indicating the field's conceptions and assessments of employee voices that are distinct from one another. The impact of direct opinions from superiors, direct voice involvement and the mediating function that trust assumes are in those interactions. Based on significance, technique, process and voice management, it identifies their similarities and variations.

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How to cite

Kumari, S., Mishra, S., Kalra, H., Umakanth, S., & Srivastava, M. (2024). An in-depth examination of management interaction through employee voice dynamics in human resource management. Multidisciplinary Reviews, 6, 2023ss088. https://doi.org/10.31893/multirev.2023ss088
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