• Abstract

    The several internal disputes and various types of traffic accidents at an urban crossroads make for a complex traffic scenario. Because accident data and crash-based methodologies are limited, researchers are now examining other safety measures, including traffic conflicts that do not depend on crashes. To better assess road safety in the decades to come new real-time data is essential. The automobile industry is heading toward intelligent cars with the goal of enhancing road safety. Although there is a common failure mechanism between accidents and traffic conflicts during driving, which makes it possible to apply crash frequency and severity estimates to traffic conflict frequency and severity models, predicting traffic conflicts presents distinct difficulties. This study discusses conceptual and methodological concerns while reviewing research papers on traffic disputes as safety measures. It offers a thorough synopsis of previous research from the viewpoint of intelligent vehicles. It explains that there are three primary categories into which the perception technology of intelligent cars may be separated: perception technology, communication technology, and the combination of perception and communication technologies. The paper emphasizes the need of harmonizing international safety standards as well as the role that governments and regulatory agencies play in guaranteeing the security of intelligent vehicles. It highlights the need for additional research on transport conflict modeling techniques and offers practical recommendations for future study.

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How to cite

Olakh, S., Balasubramanian, J., Tiwary, A., & Arya, S. (2024). Analyzing traffic conflict scenarios and safety assessment in the context of intelligent vehicles: A research review. Multidisciplinary Reviews, 6, 2023ss084. https://doi.org/10.31893/multirev.2023ss084
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