• Abstract

    Improving the quality of student graduates is paramount for enhancing the prestige and standing of universities. This study aims to identify the factors influencing the quality of student graduates from pedagogical universities in Vietnam. A questionnaire was used to survey 318 lecturers and alumni. Structural equation modeling analysis revealed that the support team factor exerted the strongest impact on students' pedagogical competency and professional awareness, followed by the enhanced services and faculty team factors. While the training program variable had a weak effect on students' professional awareness, the infrastructure factor also had a weak influence; however, the training program did not affect pedagogical competency. Notably, students' professional awareness positively correlated with pedagogical competency. Drawing from these results, this study proposes several solutions to improve the quality of knowledge among student graduates from pedagogical universities in Vietnam.

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How to cite

Quynh, V. T. N., Tuan, P. M., Van, L. H., & Nhien, N. (2024). Factors affecting the quality of graduates from pedagogical Universities in Vietnam. Multidisciplinary Reviews, 7(9), 2024215. https://doi.org/10.31893/multirev.2024215
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