• Abstract

    This scientific paper seeks to identify and analyze various dimensions and structures involved in the development of personality. It delves into the interaction between the substance and assessment elements within personality development and scrutinizes its temporal aspects. Furthermore, the study explores theoretical aspects of personality development, discerning between individual and societal dimensions, and examines its growth over time in connection with social categorization processes. The research utilizes a thorough methodology in exploring the development of personality, encompassing psychophysiological, individual, social, and intrinsic factors. Different aspects and impacts of social surroundings on personality development are sorted according to criteria like encountering developmental challenges, resilience in decision-making, willingness to embrace new opportunities, among others. This categorization acts as a structure for examining the various manifestations and significant attributes of personality development. Research indicates that personality development is an ongoing, dynamic process that experiences both advancement and regression over a lifetime. It highlights the influence of social interactions and language acquisition on shaping personality, emphasizing how changes in one's social surroundings can impact personality development. Different facets of personality formation, such as ego development, formation within groups, and manifestations of both positive and negative traits, are thoroughly explored and analyzed. The research findings suggest that taking a comprehensive approach that considers psychophysiological, personal, social, and profound aspects is a promising direction for understanding how personality develops. This study enhances our understanding of the intricate and varied processes involved in personality development, going beyond simplistic categorizations. Moreover, it underscores the significant impact of social interactions and surroundings on the formation of personality, providing valuable perspectives for both psychological studies and real-world implementations.

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How to cite

Kozlova, A., Nych, T., Drobot, O., Liashenko, R., & Cheban, O. (2024). The influence of society and social groups on the development of personality. Multidisciplinary Reviews, 7, 2024spe035. https://doi.org/10.31893/multirev.2024spe035
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