• Abstract

    Currently implementation of modern computer technologies, such as devices of virtual, augmented reality, etc., plays a crucial role in the motivation of today’s students. Online education causes the enhancement of new technologies introduced into the educational process. In its turn, it forced teachers of different specializations to deal with new computer technologies to be in trend, because in a majority of Ukrainian universities, the implementation of new computer technologies was poor. Now the level of use of modern technologies in pedagogical practice is higher in comparison with the state of it before the COVID-19 pandemic. The work aims to analyze modern scientific data on the use and implementation of new computer technologies in the modern process of education. Scientific articles of the last decade were used for providing this analysis. It was settled that the integration of new computer technologies including virtual and augmented realities in the educational process is aimed at solving a variety of issues such as the transformation of the organization of the educational process of cognition due to its shift toward systemic thinking; effective organization of cognitive activity of students in the course of training; the need to form an open and accessible education system; orientation of the educational process on the individual; improvement of the professional competence of students.

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How to cite

Ohrynchuk, O., Sydorenko, T., Luzhanytsia, O., Golub, I., & Onipko, Z. (2024). Incorporating contemporary technologies into higher education pedagogy: Exploring mastery and innovative implementation. Multidisciplinary Reviews, 7, 2024spe0014. https://doi.org/10.31893/multirev.2024spe014
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