• Abstract

    The modern world is experiencing rapid technological development, and Ukraine is not lagging behind in this process. Therefore, digital education technologies are becoming increasingly relevant in contemporary Ukrainian society due to the swift development of digital technologies and their impact on various aspects of society. Education, which shapes the future of the nation, must adapt to the demands of the modern information society. The importance of studying and implementing new approaches and technologies in the field of digital education is also determined by changes in the job market. Digital education technologies are a factor that prompts the need to instil corresponding digital skills in students, and an instrument that aids in the formation of professionals who meet the needs of the modern labour market. The rapid implementation of digital solutions in the Ukrainian educational environment was primarily driven by quarantine restrictions. However, subsequent states of emergency and the beginning of a full-scale invasion have brought about new changes in the living and working conditions of citizens, particularly educators and education seekers. These events highlight the importance of educational systems being prepared for long-term distance learning and the effective use of digital platforms. This scientific article analyses the implementation of digital tools in the educational process, considering the structural elements of digital competence, the application of web services, and popular online platforms. This research covers various aspects of using digital technologies and emphasizes the impact of digital education on the contemporary education process in Ukraine.

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How to cite

Hlianenko, K., Sosnova, M., Mikhaylichenko, M., Soter, M., & Kuzminska, Y. (2024). Utilisation of digital educational technologies in Ukraine’s educational system. Multidisciplinary Reviews, 7, 2024spe009. https://doi.org/10.31893/multirev.2024spe009
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