• Abstract

    Modern trends in education are manifested in the integration of STEM education, gamification and the use of game technologies, which are key to the development of innovative approaches in education. The approaches provide an active and motivating learning environment, which is important for preparing students for the challenges of the modern world. The purpose of this article is to analyze the implementation of these innovations in the educational system of Ukraine based on the experience of European countries, with an emphasis on the challenges and opportunities they create. The article examines the peculiarities of the application of gamification and game technologies in education in Europe, which can serve as a source of inspiration for Ukraine. The analysis shows that the implementation of these approaches in Ukraine requires significant efforts in terms of teacher training, investments in technical equipment and the development of a national strategy for the integration of innovative technologies in education. The results of the analysis indicate the potential of increasing the effectiveness of education and the development of key competencies of students through the use of these innovations. The main conclusion of the study is the need to modernize the educational system of Ukraine, adapt to modern requirements and actively introduce innovative approaches into the educational process. The article emphasizes that the success of the implementation of gaming technologies depends to a large extent on a systemic approach to education, as it includes changes in curricula, teaching methods, and knowledge assessment. The recommendations given in the article offer specific strategies for the effective implementation of these innovations, which can significantly strengthen the quality of education and the readiness of students to solve current and future challenges. The study sets Ukraine the task of ensuring equal access to quality education and readiness for the integration of modern educational technologies.

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How to cite

Pavlenko, I., Boiko, O., Mykolaiets, D., Moskalenko, O., & Shrol, T. (2024). Advancements in STEM education and the evolution of game technologies in Ukrainian educational settings. Multidisciplinary Reviews, 7, 2024spe007. https://doi.org/10.31893/multirev.2024spe007
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