• Abstract

    The academic paper is devoted to exploring the newest approaches within the cross-cultural discourse of philological studies. The cross-cultural approach as a scientific basis for linguistic and literary studies emerged in the 30 s of the last century as a counterweight to ethnocentric studies; however, the boundaries of this discourse have now been significantly expanded and modified. Cross-cultural studies are less and less opposed to ethnocentric studies of national literatures and more and more tend to cross-cultural comparison. The primary purpose of the present academic paper is to analyze the methodological fundamentals and latest approaches of cross-cultural discourse in the system of philological studies, in particular, in the fields of linguistics, literary studies, translation studies, intercultural communication theory and linguoculturology. The semantic field of the concepts of “cross-cultural discourse”, “cross-cultural literary discourse”, “cross-cultural literature” and “cross-cultural research” has been outlined. The following newer approaches are distinguished in the cross-cultural discourse: comparative, anthropological, communicative, hermeneutical, which focuses on deciphering cultural codes, and conceptual. It is determined that cross-cultural interpenetration is most often observed in bilingual authors’ works. The researchers consider their texts as a synthesis of heterogeneous cultural elements, which results in a new multicultural artistic space that requires special tools for analysis.

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How to cite

Dmytrenko, V., Khairulina, N., Brovko, O., Kryzhanovska, O., & Perepadia, D. (2024). Сross-cultural discourse of philological studies: The advanced approaches. Multidisciplinary Reviews, 7, 2024spe020. https://doi.org/10.31893/multirev.2024spe020
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