• Abstract

    The problem of researching the self-regulation skills of high school students in the process of practicing martial arts is to study the impact of martial arts on the development of personal competencies among teenagers. The article analyzes both theoretical and practical aspects of the integration of martial arts into the educational process, with a special focus on the development of self-regulation - the ability of an individual to effectively manage his own emotions, behavior and motivation. Considering martial arts as a physical activity and as a means of psychological and social development, the study includes an analysis of scientific literature, statistical data on the development of martial arts in different countries, as well as recommendations for the introduction of these practices into the school curriculum. The main focus is on the positive impact of martial arts on self-control, strategic thinking, development of emotional intelligence, social adaptation and cognitive functions of students. A practical study was conducted on the key components of self-regulation based on martial arts classes for high school students. The programs take into account the age characteristics of students and the specifics of various types of martial arts, balancing between physical exercises and the development of personal skills. The results of the study indicate the need to integrate martial arts into the general educational environment, which requires cooperation with teachers, psychologists and coaches, who must reach a single consensus.

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How to cite

Kuzhelnyi, S., Kudin, S., Kuzhelnyi, A., Zhlobo, T., Shyrai, O., Trotsyk, I., & Davydov, O. (2024). Fostering self-regulation skills among high school students through martial arts training. Multidisciplinary Reviews, 7, 2024spe024. https://doi.org/10.31893/multirev.2024spe024
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