• Abstract

    This study aims to analyze research patterns connected with eye-tracking innovation in education through bibliometric analysis and to investigate the level of commitment of scientists in the Scopus dataset. A total of 774 documents related to eye tracking or eye movement technology in education were found in the Scopus database, and this number has increased significantly every year. The most papers are held by the United States, while the institution that secured the first place was Open Universiteit. Most of the papers are in English and are of the article type. The most prolific writers on this topic are Klein, P., Kuhn, J., and Schindler, M. Research trends in eye-tracking technology in education are visualized in four clusters: (1) paper and eye-tracking framework; (2) tracking process and focus of study; (3) experimental treatment and duration of eye-tracking; (4) eye-tracking in terms of teaching and learning processes. Trends related to eye-tracking technology in education research worldwide can be identified through this research, providing an overview for further study.

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How to cite

Suprapto, N., Kholiq, A., Yang, F.-Y., Hakim, S. R., Agusti, R. R. H. P., Hidaayatullaah, H. N., & Nisa’, K. (2024). The use of eye movement technology in education: a review and bibliometric study. Multidisciplinary Reviews, 7(9), 2024214. https://doi.org/10.31893/multirev.2024214
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