• Abstract

    Floods, ever since the dawn of human civilization, have been seen as causes of massive disasters. Since its onset, the influence of human activity has increased, making this calamity more severe. Vulnerability to flooding is complex and multifaceted and it is a matter of critical importance. Since the scale of damage changes with location and with time, determining how susceptible a community is to flooding is of paramount importance. The research is an effort to summarize the methods developed to evaluate flood risk. By examining the authors and terms most commonly cited in the works of others, actionable tactics were uncovered. High-resolution data and a multidimensional approach to vulnerability assessment can enhance current procedures and strategies for estimating flood risk. This research recommends merging hydrodynamic models, geospatial methodologies for flood assessment to present a more complete view of flood vulnerability. It is potentially helpful in identifying methodological inadequacies for measuring flood risk at various geographical scales. The study analyzes several vulnerability components. This research has the potential to fill critical knowledge gaps in our understanding of how to measure exposure to flood risk across a variety of geographical scales.

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How to cite

Kumar, S., Kopare, A., Chandra, U., & Pooja. (2024). A comprehensive review of methodologies and implications for evaluating flood susceptibility. Multidisciplinary Reviews, 6, 2023ss035. https://doi.org/10.31893/multirev.2023ss035
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