• Abstract

    Organizational commitment and organizational structure are the keys to enhancing organizational citizenship behavior. The behavior that an employee willingly participates in that supports organizational effectiveness is referred to as organizational citizenship behavior. However, organizational commitment helps the organization greatly because it lowers absenteeism and turnover rates and increases productivity further by boosting organizational citizenship behavior. Organizational commitment has a favorable impact on employees’ behavior. The present study considered organizational structure, continuance commitment, normative commitment, and affective commitment to be predictors of organizational citizenship behavior. The study adopted an explanatory research design. This study used primary data sources and collected data from IT employees through a systematic questionnaire survey in the Chennai zone by using a nonprobability convenience sampling technique. A sample size of 384 is considered for the larger population. Multiple regression statistical analysis and correlation were the statistical techniques applied to identify the relationships and effects among the variables. The statistical inferences revealed that the organizational commitment and organizational structure dimensions have significant effects on organizational citizenship behavior. Therefore, it is important to utilize appropriate and efficient techniques to strengthen employees' organizational citizenship behavior and dedication. In the future, researchers will introduce more predictors that influence OCB for additional investigations.

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How to cite

Niveditha, M., & Padhy, P. C. (2024). Impact of organizational structure and commitment on organizational citizenship behavior: Insights from the IT sector. Multidisciplinary Reviews, 7(9), 2024203. https://doi.org/10.31893/multirev.2024203
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