• Abstract

    This article examines the problems of developing the internationalization of education at research universities. The content of the internationalization goal, the sociocultural approach in education, which sets the contextuality of the content and results of education, and the competency-based approach in education, which determines the results of education in terms of the quality of personal new formations and abilities manifested in the process activities of educational programs at a research university. The pedagogical conditions for the internationalization of educational programs at a research university. The ways of organizing interaction between subjects of the international scientific and educational sphere for the internationalization of educational programs are substantiated at a research university.

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How to cite

Prokopenko , A., Andreieva , M., Kuznetsova , O., Kapustina , O., & Drokina, A. (2024). Pedagogical conditions for ensuring the effectiveness of international cooperation among subjects of scientific and educational activity. Multidisciplinary Reviews, 6, 2023spe003. https://doi.org/10.31893/multirev.2023spe003
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