• Abstract

    Infrared thermography is a safe technology for diagnostic imaging that preserves welfare and does not emit ionizing radiation. This paper aimed to report the principles of infrared thermography formation and cautions on imaging acquisition with sheep illustrations. This technique is based on capturing infrared electromagnetic energy from the matter molecules, proportional to the increase in temperature. The capture of images, not just in sheep, must obey technical criteria to avoid interpretation errors of the thermograms. Direct exposure to solar radiation, humidity, manipulation of the examined area, time of day, proper use of equipment, and the manifestation of certain behaviors can hinder the interpretation of the findings. Infrared thermography is a tool that helps practitioners because it provides practicality, safety, and accurate data.

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How to cite

Leite, R. F., Rodrigues, L. A., Freitas Neto, M. A. de ., Nogueira, F. R. B. ., Lima, J. D. da S. ., Souza, B. B. de ., & Miranda Neto, E. G. de . (2021). Principles and cautions in the infrared thermography application in sheep. Multidisciplinary Reviews, 5(1), 2022001. https://doi.org/10.31893/multirev.2022001
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