• Abstract

    The article highlights the impact of the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into the educational environment, focusing on the possibilities of technological convergence. Based on the recognition of the changing world and the need to adapt educational approaches to the challenges of today, the study offers a deeper understanding of the role of innovative technologies. The study reveals the potential of AI to create personalised, adaptive learning paths for students of different educational and qualification levels. The use of AI algorithms to customise the learning process to individual needs promotes critical thinking and collaboration, which are important for building a safe social environment. The study highlights the possibility of using AI to reduce social inequality in areas affected by military aggression. The introduction of AI in the educational process can ensure equal access to quality education for all regions. The authors of the article emphasise the need for a multidisciplinary approach to the use of AI in education, where the interaction of educators and civil society is crucial for the implementation of technologies with ethics and efficiency. An innovative approach to education supported by AI can foster cooperation, understanding, and cohesion, contributing to a stable and harmonious society.

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How to cite

Bakhmat, N., Romanova, I., Oronovska , L., Rudenko, O., & Mogyl, O. (2024). Ukrainian education for peace and security 2023: Technological convergence, artificial intelligence. Multidisciplinary Reviews, 6, 2023spe016. https://doi.org/10.31893/multirev.2023spe016
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