• Abstract

    Over the past five decades, the field of epistemology has undergone a profound transformation that has challenged its traditional underpinnings. Previously, epistemologists ardently pursued the formulation of definitive rules for the attainment of absolute knowledge, basking in the quest for unwavering certainty. However, as time has passed, a collective realization has set in: the pursuit of undoubtable knowledge once the lodestar of epistemology has lost its luster and feasibility. This shifting intellectual landscape has brought the need for a fundamental reexamination of epistemology’s role and purpose to the forefront. The conventional role of epistemology as a proponent of unassailable principles for knowledge acquisition has waned. The once-central premise of epistemology, which claims the attainability of unshakeable certainty, now faces skepticism. Epistemologists grapple with a formidable question: Can we genuinely secure unquestionable knowledge in a world characterized by uncertainty and complexity? The prevailing sentiment among contemporary thinkers leans toward growing skepticism regarding the possibility of achieving undoubtable knowledge, necessitating a thorough reevaluation of the essence of epistemology. This profound reevaluation has given rise to two influential paradigms, the ‘psychologistic’ and ‘naturalistic’ projects, which seek to redefine epistemology’s scope and objectives, departing from traditional precepts. The field is currently undergoing a transformation within the crucible of these new paradigms, as this essay will delve into more deeply.

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How to cite

Mosinyan, D. (2024). Reimaging epistemology: A historical analysis of shifting paradigms. Multidisciplinary Reviews, 7(5), 2024082. https://doi.org/10.31893/multirev.2024082
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