• Abstract

    The purpose of this study is to evaluate and consolidate existing research on the factors that affect the performance of employees in startup companies. Specifically, it focuses on factors such as empowerment, motivation, dedication, leadership styles, and self-determination. This study aims to understand how these factors influence employee performance in the context of startup organizations. The theoretical framework of this study is based on the HR value chain model. The HR value chain model demonstrates how HR practices can benefit organizations by showing the various HR processes that support a company's goals. Additionally, the study incorporates psychological factors related to employee performance, such as autonomy, competence, and relatedness. The methodology section mentions that the research primarily covers management-related articles from 2010 to 2022. The research involved reviewing primary studies by searching computerized databases and selected journal articles from specific websites. VOSviewer 1.6.18 was used to analyze eligible articles, and bibliometric networks were generated to connect keywords to relevant articles. The study's findings indicate that empowerment, motivation, commitment, and other traits are linked to the success of new startup businesses. Effective leadership tactics play a crucial role in creating a healthier, happier work environment with dedicated employees. It appears that the study identified 20 papers, including 17 research articles, that establish connections between empowerment and startup performance. The use of VOSviewer's overlay bibliometric networks helped visualize these connections.

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How to cite

Dunstan, J. E., & Rai, R. (2024). Startups’ empowerment of employees: An analysis using VOSviewer. Multidisciplinary Reviews, 7(7), 2024083. https://doi.org/10.31893/multirev.2024083
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