• Abstract

    To bridge the knowledge gap between the research field and practical organizational setting. WPS is gaining popularity among researchers but lacks real-time practice. This study provides an overview and intellectual structures of WPS on which researchers can further develop modules to practice WPS in real-time scenarios. The authors studied the intellectual structure and emerging themes of workplace spirituality using bibliometric techniques. This is a bibliometric study using scientific data extracted from the Scopus/Web of Science database with the topic "workplace spirituality". Using VOSviewer and RStudio, performance metrics and science mapping have been generated to identify potential concepts that can be incorporated in the workplace. Recent trends, thematic evolution, and thematic maps of WPS have been identified by influential constituents. WPS influential constituents can be useful for future research, as they display all influential matters, such as authors, countries, and affiliations. Science mapping displays visualizations of recent trends and thematic concepts of WPS, which can be useful to identify pathways to inculcate WPS in real-time organizational settings. The literature holds several empirical, review and clinical evidence on workplace spirituality, but this study attempts to perform bibliometric research on the WPS to date as a knowledge update mechanism.

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How to cite

Raamkhumar, M. H., & Swamy, T. N. V. R. (2023). Workplace spirituality: the game changer of 21st century workplace. Multidisciplinary Reviews, 6(4), 2023042. https://doi.org/10.31893/multirev.2023042
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