• Abstract

    The goal of this study is to examine existing theories in the field of celebrity endorsement and show how these theories can be used as a foundation for future research in this area. This article's theoretical framework takes a broad approach, aiming to bridge the gap between the efficacy of celebrity-endorsed advertisements and endorsement theory. A holistic theoretical framework is necessary to encompass the diverse landscape of celebrity endorsements seen in actual advertising campaigns. In terms of methodology, this article employs a qualitative approach to data collection and analysis, which is deemed appropriate for investigating the nuances of celebrity endorsement theories. This review's findings highlight the importance of five major celebrity endorsement theories, shedding light on their potential for shaping the future of research. This article adds value by synthesising existing knowledge and prior research, providing a concise overview of celebrity endorsement, and emphasising the critical role of the five major celebrity endorsement theories in paving the way for future research.

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How to cite

Veda, V. R. B., & Sathish, S. A. (2023). Celebrity endorsement theories: Review perspective. Multidisciplinary Reviews, 7(3), 2024043. https://doi.org/10.31893/multirev.2024043
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