• Abstract

    The Indonesian government is pushing for increased publications with the argument that the benchmark for the productivity of an educational institution is seen from scientific publication data that researchers and research organizing institutions must disseminate. The educational strata level is needed to disseminate the scientific work of students through various media that interested parties can access. Educational tools related to research and publications can be used free of charge or paid to make it easier to produce work. To determine the domino effect of using Artificial Intelligence of Writing Academic (AIWA) on final semester students' scientific work quality, this study used a survey method with the research sample being Masters students who were carrying out and completing writing scientific papers as a fulfillment of graduation requirements with a total of 30 respondents. The sample respondents' criteria were that they could share their experiences in writing their scientific papers. The findings of this assessment proved that the domino effect for completing assignments and making scientific work students utilized and advised colleagues to use it with the assumption of efficiency and effectiveness so that tasks given by lecturers were assisted in their work by AI.

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How to cite

Pratiwi, W. R., Arifin, A. H., Sultan, Z., Acfira, L. G., & Andriyansah. (2023). The domino effect of artificial intelligence on students’ scientific writing quality. Multidisciplinary Reviews, 7(2), 2024034. https://doi.org/10.31893/multirev.2024036
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