• Abstract

    This study aims to analyze the development of publications on the topic of fintech adoption using the VOSviewer analysis tool and data from the Scopus database. By using bibliometric analysis, this study attempts to visualize how the bibliometric relationship between publications relates to the topic of fintech adoption. This research begins by searching various publications on the topic of fintech adoption in the Scopus database. It was found that publications regarding the adoption of fintech itself were new and rare which was indicated by the number of publications found with a total of 517 with a time range between 2016-2023. The topic of fintech adoption itself is still quite interesting as indicated by the growth in the number of publications from early 2016 with 1 publication to 90 in 2023. Based on the results of the VOSViewer analysis, there are 35 items divided into 5 clusters. The results of the analysis using VOSViewer found that there are still many items on the topic of fintech adoption that have not been explored much. In addition, several items such as banks, financial inclusion, financial literacy, financial systems, fintech, fintech adoption, sustainability, sustainable development, technological development, technology are new topics and have not been widely studied.

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How to cite

Abilawa, A., Rahmawati, A., & Surwanti, A. (2023). Enhancing insight into fintech adoption through VOSViewer: A bibliometric exploration. Multidisciplinary Reviews, 7(1), 2024006. https://doi.org/10.31893/multirev.2024006
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