• Abstract

    Human resources are significant and must be managed and utilized to meet organizational goals in the face of obstacles and increased job competition. Human resource management must be given more attention and improved to meet company goals. Employee performance is closely related to employees' job satisfaction when carrying out their primary duties and activities. Competence is one of several variables that might impact employee job satisfaction. Competent employees with high skills, attitudes, and appreciation are indeed beneficial for the company in achieving the goals that have been set. This study examined competency and job satisfaction research throughout the last decade. The analysis was based on relevant documents obtained via searches conducted in the Scopus database between 2012 and 2022, resulting in 541 documents. The data are exported in RIS format to generate a research development map. The data that have been exported are subsequently subjected to processing and analysis using the VOS Viewer application program to generate a bibliometric map. The highest development of research on competency and job satisfaction indexed by Scopus occurred in 2022, reaching 72 publications. Researchers who have researched much about competency and job satisfaction are Archuleta, S., Cofrancesco, J., Ibrahim, H., Mache, S., Mullen, J.T., Tartas, M., and Walkiewicz, M. This study will contribute to an understanding of competency and job satisfaction so that it can assist companies in improving their human resources.

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How to cite

Hastuti, N. T. L. P., Wahyuningsih, S. H., & Handayani, S. D. (2023). A bibliometric analysis of competency and job satisfaction research. Multidisciplinary Reviews, 7(1), 2024014. https://doi.org/10.31893/multirev.2024014
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