• Abstract

    The ectoparasites are of veterinary importance because it is a pathogenic vector agent to animals. It causes economic loss to the farmer through stock loss or expensive control and preventative measures such as dipping or showering. The present study was conducted from January 2018 to August 2021 to identify and determine the prevalence of ectoparasites screw-worm in Basrah on data collection of screw-worm from the Basrah Veterinary Hospital and dispensaries of Basrah. The diagnosis of cases was confirmed by the clinical and laboratory examination in the veterinary hospital and the veterinary dispensaries in the different areas of Basrah. The positive collected data of Screw Worm Fly were 59; the higher infestation rate according to months of years was in April, May, and March compared to other months. According to the gender of infected animals, the females were more infested by screw-worm than males. According to the site of infestation, animals' tails were the most infested. According to geographical location, the Center of Basra province had the highest infection rate.

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How to cite

Al-Alautaish, H. H. N., & Abdulhassan, C. M. (2022). Epidemiological study for myiasis in sheep in Basrah Governorate. Applied Veterinary Research, 2(1), 2023001. https://doi.org/10.31893/avr.2023001
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